Sunday, January 3, 2010

Setting up the repeater on Kamiskotia Ski Hill

June 19th 2009
We had learned a few months ago that CBC wanted us to take our repeater (VE3AA) down from their tower in Schumacher Ontario so we had to set about looking for a new location and after negotiations and generosity of the owners we were allowed to move it to Kamiskotia Ski Hill (Which has an excellent height and puts the entire city of Timmins in it line of sight range)
So on this day my friends Rudy (VE3BDR), Don (VE3HOL and Henri (VA3HAT) started prepping the site and moving the pieces up the mountain and setting up the box it would be housed in.

(The guys arrive)


June 22nd 2009

After long hours of work they had the site ready for the tower so I went with them up to the mountain and helped them put up the tower.It took several more weeks of work before the guys had the repeater working perfectly but they invested a lot of time and effort into it and my hat comes off for them.If you are ever in Timmins and have a 2 meter radio on hand plug in to 147.060+ for the repeater.

(The tower)(Me left,Don on the right after putting up the tower)

All photos courtesy of Don